ECF Accounts
An ECF student account is only permitted for academic use by the student whom it is issued to. Providing your ECF login and password to anyone else is expressly prohibited.
Allowing someone else to use your account, or use the account of someone else, constitutes an offence under the University of Toronto Code of Student Conduct. The penalties for such offences vary with the circumstances of each case, but in general they are severe, and can include payment of damages, loss of all computer access and other sanctions.
If you ever have reason to believe someone has discovered your password, change your password immediately and report the matter to the ECF office (EA 212).
Users are also expected to comply with the University’s Appropriate Use of Information and Communication Technology policy. Do not attempt to use ECF network resources to bypass restrictions or bandwidth limitations on residence or other networks.
Workstation Usage
Do not disconnect the power, network, mouse, keyboard, or monitor or other equipment from ECF computers.
Also, never turn off the computer when you are done using it. Turning it off can damage the software on the disk.
Food and Drink
No food or drinks, including water (opened or unopened), are permitted in the labs. If you bring food or drinks into the labs, they must be kept inside your backpack or jacket.
The labs will be closed in the evenings if problems regarding open food and drinks persist.
Lab Equipment Issues
Problems with ECF lab equipment, such as jammed printers or broken mice, keyboards, or optical drives should be reported to ECF staff. Email and be as specific as possible in identifying the workstation and issue.
As resources are limited, using bandwidth or disk space for non-academic purposes, such as downloading and/or storing non-academic videos, movies, music, games or other software, etc., is not permitted, and such files may be deleted from your ECF disk space by ECF staff without notice.
Lab Etiquette
Disruptive behaviour of any kind such as loud talking, shouting, playing of music or multi-player video games is not permitted. Game playing is limited to the single-player games supplied on the ECF systems (if any) and only when the lab is less than half full.
Failing to follow the above rules will result in your ECF account being suspended.