Exam Rules & Regulations

Instructions for the Guidance of Candidates During Examination

I. Timetable and seating lists

Please ensure your students are informed of examination dates and locations. Post the details in your class and on your course website, if applicable.

II. Permissible and non-permissible aid

A candidate is permitted to bring the following items to an exam: pen, pencil, drafting instruments, and, if specifically permitted, electronic calculators. All equipment brought to the examination must be placed on the candidate’s desk and kept in view during the examination.

All coats and jackets should be placed on the back of each candidate’s chair. All notes and books, pencil cases, turned-off cell phones, laptops, purses and other unauthorized aids should be stored inside a candidate’s knapsack or large bag, which should then be closed securely and placed under candidate’s chair.

Candidates are required to place their watches or timepieces on the desk throughout the examination. Material placed on the desk may be inspected by invigilators.

Candidates are not allowed to have a pencil case on their desk and any pencil cases found on desks will be search. Candidates are not allowed to touch their knapsacks or bag or the contents until the exam is over. Candidates are not allowed to reach into the pockets or any part of their coat or jacket until the exam is over.

Unauthorized materials include, but are not limited to, pencil cases, books, class notes and aid sheets. Unauthorized electronic devices include, but are not limited to, mobile phones, laptops, calculators, MP3 players, PDAs, pagers, electronic dictionaries, CD players, mini disc players, smart watches and smart glasses.

If permitted, electronic calculators must be non-printing, non-communicating, silent and self-powered. The type of calculator permitted will be one of the following, as specified by the professor at the commencement of the course and on the final examination paper:

•All programmable and non-programmable calculators and pocket computer
•All non-programmable electronic calculator
•Calculators from a list of approved calculators as issued by the Faculty Registrar
•No electronic or mechanical computing devices are permitted

Under the following conditions, bilingual dictionaries may be used by students who have language difficulties: the student must submit the dictionary to the presiding examiner for inspection; the dictionary must not contain any material other than that which was originally printed in it; the dictionary must be bilingual (i.e. contain the English equivalents of foreign words and vice versa); it may not contain any other material; the dictionary must be printed on paper; it cannot be electronic.

For more information on exam types and calculator types, visit the Exam Types & Permitted Calculators page.

III. Beginning the Examination

  • Only those candidates who are required to write the examination will be allowed in the room during the examination.
  • All students are required to have their Photo ID (TCard) present for the duration of the exam.
  • Candidates will be admitted to the examination room two minutes before the hour appointed for the examination. They shall proceed quietly to their desks where they will find all necessary materials for the exam, with the exception of authorized aids.
  • If the examiner considers it necessary, candidates will find on their desks, along with the examination paper, special data such as log books, tabular data, curves or plans. Such special data is not to be written upon or marked up in any way. The data must be returned with the answer books.
  • At the beginning of the exam, answer book(s) must be endorsed as follows: name and student number of the candidate, Faculty, course, instructor, date and room number. If additional answer books are required, each book must be endorsed when received and the books marked "Book 1," "Book 2", etc. Place the extra books inside “Book 1” when the candidate is finished writing his or her exam.
  • A candidate is not permitted to either leave the room during the first sixty minutes (escorted washroom breaks permitted), or enter the room after that period. If a candidate arrives more than sixty minutes after the start of the exam, he or she will not be permitted to write the exam and will need to submit a petition to the Undergraduate Assessment Committee.

IV. Ending the Examination

  • At ten and five minutes before the end of the examination the presiding examiner will announce the number of minutes remaining.
  • Candidates who have finished writing and wish to leave the examination room before the 5 minute announcement must first personally hand in all their answer books, whether used or not, to the presiding examiner's along with any special data provided.
  • After the five-minute announcement, all candidates still in their seats must remain quietly seated – even if they have finished writing – until all the answer books and special data have been collected and the presiding examiner announces they may leave the room.
  • When the end of the examination is announced, all candidates shall cease writing immediately, assemble their answer books (used or not) and any special data provided and hand it all in to the assistants who will collect all materials from the seated candidates.
  • The examination paper belongs to the candidate unless otherwise stated.
  • When all materials have been collected, the presiding examiner will announce that candidates may leave the room. All rules for the conduct of candidates during examinations remain in full force until this announcement is made.

V. Conduct during the examination

  • Candidates may not provide assistance to or receive assistance from anyone during the exam. They may not communicate in any manner with any person other than the examiner, presiding examiner or assistants. They may not copy any material or be in possession of unauthorized aids. Failure to comply will be dealt with in accordance to the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.
  • Eating and drinking are not permitted in examination rooms.
  • If it is necessary for a candidate to leave the room, he or she may do so and return if accompanied by the presiding examiner or an assistant.
  • A candidate must not write on any paper with the exception of the exam book and must keep all papers on his or her desk.
  • Candidates are not permitted to have wireless communication devices (e.g. cellphones) on their desks under any circumstances.