Exam Schedules, Locations & Information

Accommodated Testing Services (ATS)

If you are registered with Accessibility Services and would like to receive accommodation for the June final exam period, you must register with ATS by June 5, 2024.

Building Codes for Engineering Exams

Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with their exam locations in advance of their exam dates. Use the U of T's Map to find building locations on campus.

BA                 Bahen Centre, 40 St. George Street

BN                Clara Benson Building, 320 Huron Street

BN-210N     Large Gymnasium, North End, Benson Building, 320 Huron Street (south of Harbord Street), Second Floor

BN-210S      Large Gymnasium, South End, Benson Building, 320 Huron Street (south of Harbord Street), Second Floor

BN-322        Upper Small Gymnasium, Benson Building, 320 Huron Street (south of Harbord Street), Third Floor

EX                 Examination Centre, 255 McCaul Street

GB                Galbraith Building, 35 St. George Street

HA                Haultain Building, 170 College Street (rear)

HI-CART       St. Hilda's College, Cartwright Hall, 44 Devonshire Place

KC KNOX      Knox Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Centre - GYM, 630 Spadina Avenue

MC               Mechanical Engineering Building, 5 King's College Road

MP               McLennan Physical Laboratories, 255 Huron Street

MS               Medical Sciences Building, 1 King's College Circle

MY               Myhal Centre, 55 St. George Street

NR               New College Residence, William Doo Auditorium, 45 Willcocks Street, Room 25

RS                Rosebrugh Building, 164 College Street

SF                 Sandford Fleming Building, 10 King’s College Road

TC                 Trinity College, Seeley Hall, Trinity College, 6 Hoskin Avenue

UC                University College, 15 King’s College Circle

VO AUDB     St. Volodymyr Institute, 620 Spadina Avenue, Auditorium B (enter through the south doors)

WB               Wallberg Building, 183-200 College Street

WI                Wilson Hall, New College, 40 Willcocks Street (east of Spadina Avenue)

WYCLIFFE     Wycliffe College, Sheraton Hall, Wycliffe College, 5 Hoskins Avenue

Important Examination Information

It is your responsibility to check the exam timetable carefully for the date, time and location information to ensure you do not miss the opportunity to write your final examination. This information is subject to change. Review the schedule often for changes.

Additionally, you should be familiar with the Faculty’s academic regulations on final examinations, which are located in the Academic Calendar.

Unauthorized & Authorized Aids

At a U of T exam, it’s not just a cell phone, it’s an unauthorized aid.

Unless otherwise stated, electronic devices are not allowed at U of T exams. Possession is punishable under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. Once turned off, cellphones may be placed in a bag (paper, transparent plastic or non-transparent plastic) under the candidate’s desk.

Unauthorized materials include, but are not limited to, books, class notes and aid sheets. Unauthorized electronic devices include, but are not limited to, mobile phones, laptops, calculators, MP3 players, PDAs, pagers, electronic dictionaries, CD players, mini disc players, smart watches and smart glasses.

You are permitted to bring the following items to your exams: pen, pencil, hard copy bilingual dictionary, drafting instruments and, if permitted, an electronic calculator, but not the calculator’s case. The use of certain types of non-printing, silent, self-powered electronic calculators is permitted unless specifically prohibited. The Faculty only permits the use of certain calculators. A list issued by the Office of the Registrar is available on the Permitted Calculators page.

Your professor or instructor will let you know which type of calculator policy applies to their exam:

  • Type 1: All programmable and non-programmable electronic calculators and pocket computers.
  • Type 2: All non-programmable electronic calculators.
  • Type 3: Calculators from a list of approved calculators as issued by the Office of the Registrar.
  • Type 4: No electronic or mechanical computing devices will be permitted.

Types of Examinations

  • Type A: Closed book examination. No aids are permitted other than the information printed on the exam paper.
  • Type B: Papers for which separate special aids or data, as specified at the top of the examination paper, are provided by the examiner for distribution to the candidates by the Office of the Registrar or are made available to the students electronically in a computer-based exam.
  • Type C: A "closed book" examination. A student may prepare, bring to their exam and use a single examination aid sheet, downloaded from the Faculty's website, printed on an 8.5"x11" piece of paper. Download the Examination Aid Sheet (PDF). Students may enter on both sides of the aid sheet any information they desire, as specified by one of the three subtypes listed below.
    • Type C1: Such entries will be handwritten and not mechanically reproduced. Digitally prepared sheets (e.g., handwritten on a tablet) will not be permitted.
    • Type C2: Such entries will be handwritten, but may be mechanically reproduced (e.g., prepared on a tablet and printed).
    • Type C3: Such entries may be handwritten or computer generated, including typewritten text, images or other formats that fit within the aid sheet.
  • Type D: Candidates may bring and use aids (in the form of printed or written material) as the examiner may specify. The nature of the permitted aids must be clearly specified at the top of the examination paper and must be announced to the class by the examiner in advance of the examination.
  • Type X: Open book examination. The student may bring and use any books, notes, or printed or written material, without restriction.
  • Type O: A different exam format, not covered by one of the existing types. Requires special approval by the Undergraduate Assessment Committee as part of the approval for Composition of Final Marks. Details of the assessment must be communicated to the students prior to the course drop deadline.
  • Type CPU_[ ]: Examinations which will take place in a computer lab, using software and pre-loaded aids or data specified ahead of time by the instructor. The brackets “[ ]” should be replaced by one of the letters (A, B, C, D, X, O) from an existing exam type, specifying the type of aid material a candidate may bring into the exam room. Open internet access is not permitted except with special permission (Type O). Access to specific websites is permitted only if (a) the websites do not allow communication amongst students, or between students and an outside party, and (b) The Engineering Computing Facility (ECF) team confirms that access can be restricted to only these websites. Instructors using Type CPU are responsible for coordinating with the Registrar’s Office and ECF to ensure they are aware of all required procedures and are prepared to administer the exam according to staff guidelines.

Exam Conflicts & Religious Observances

An exam conflict occurs when two exams are scheduled at the same time or when three exams are scheduled consecutively in three scenarios:

  • Morning, afternoon, evening
  • Afternoon, evening, morning
  • Evening, morning, afternoon

If you have an exam conflict that fits the criteria above, you must submit this by March 26, 2024, via the online form. Please be aware that accommodations will not be made for personal or travel plans.

Students who cannot write a final exam at the scheduled time due to religious observance must report this and request accommodation by March 26, 2024, via the online form.

Misreading the timetable is not an acceptable reason for failing to write an exam. The exam schedule will be posted at the top of this page and on the Student Services board located near the Office of the Registrar (GB157).

Carefully review your exam schedule to ensure you have written the correct time, date and location for each one of your exams. Exams are not scheduled in a fixed pattern. Each course has a unique time, date and location.

Engineering course exams are typically 2.5 hours in duration, with the exception of some quarter course exams. If you are taking a quarter course, please consult your professor regarding the time allotted for the exam.

You must bring your TCard to each examination and place it in plain view on your desk.