Overview of Global Opportunities

Find the global engineering opportunity for you! As a U of T engineering student, there are multiple ways you can make your education global. Such as through academic, research and professional experiences abroad. 

Studying Abroad

Whether you're a true academic at heart or just looking for a change of scenery while completing your degree, consider taking courses abroad. You'll have access to more than 100 internationally renowned universities around the world, including 14 engineering-specific institutions.

Best of all, courses taken abroad may count toward your U of T degree, and you'll pay U of T course fees for the classes you take abroad. Funding is available for many of the opportunities listed below.

Opportunities to study abroad include:

  • Engineering Exchange Pathways: Earn engineering credits while studying abroad for a term (fall, winter or summer) or a full year. Many departments have pre-approved transfer credit pathways established with partner universities to make the process seamless. Check with your department for details and visit U of T Learning Abroad to find details about the application process and deadlines.
  • APS 299Y – Summer Research Abroad: This is a unique for-credit research-based summer course. Depending on the nature of the research project, this course may count toward your engineering program or an engineering minor. Check with your department for details. This program is not open to Engineering Science students. 
  • Build Your Own Adventure: Want to study Japanese in Japan or visual arts in France? Take non-engineering courses abroad as an exchange student through the  Centre for International Experience (CIE)You may also be interested in taking Arts and Science courses offered through the Summer Abroad office which can count towards your electives. Check with your department for details and visit U of T Learning Abroad to learn moreWith more than 100 institutions worldwide to choose from, there’s no shortage of opportunities.  

Research Abroad

Use your lab experience from your classes and apply it to a summer research position that will open your eyes to engineering research in a different country. The Summer Research Program places students in first-rate research labs all over the world, from the National University of Singapore to the University of Queensland.

There are also several other discipline-specific research opportunities to explore. All hours worked will count toward your practical experience requirement (PER).

Opportunities to conduct research abroad include:

  • Undergraduate Summer Research Exchange: Administered through the Centre for International Experience (CIE), this program is a fantastic way to gain engineering research experience abroad at world-class institutions like Darmstadt University of Technology and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Funding to cover basic costs is available for all successful applicants.
  • APS 299Y – Summer Research Abroad: This is a unique for-credit research-based summer course. Depending on the nature of the research project, this course may count toward your engineering program or an engineering minor. Check with your department for details. This program is not open to Engineering Science students. 
  • EngSci Research Opportunities Program (ESROP): Each year, Engineering Science students have the opportunity to conduct research abroad at a variety of institutions, including the National University of Singapore, Max Planck Institute, and Osaka University. Check with the EngSci undergraduate office for details.

Professional Experience Abroad

Look no further than the Professional Experience Year Co-op Program (PEY Co-op). This paid work experience program will give you a serious leg up professionally while working at a company for 12 to 16 months. 

Students work at companies outside Canada while earning competitive salaries and building impressive global networks. PEY Co-op employers come from all over the world, so make sure to keep an eye out for opportunities in countries of interest. 

U of T Global Engineering Courses

There are also multiple ways to engage in global education on campus at U of T: 

  • Global Leadership Minor: As U of T’s first tri-campus, interdivisional, multidisciplinary undergraduate program, this minor has a critical and multidisciplinary focus on leadership in a global context, with emphasis on developing knowledge of global issues within an engineering framework and how engineers can influence and improve conditions around the world. 
  • Certificate in Global Engineering: This certificate is open to engineering students, and will be of interest to students who would like to develop their knowledge of global issues and learn how engineers can influence and improve conditions around the world. Courses focus on a variety of concepts such as the effects of emerging technologies in both developed and developing economies, global energy systems, innovative finance techniques, current theories in international development and foreign aid. 
  • Global Engineering Capstone Projects: The Centre for Global Engineering (CGEN) offers a number of Global Engineering capstone projects where fourth-year engineering students work on global development projects in partnership with companies, NGOs, and aid groups trying to address some of the world’s most challenging problems. 


Below you will find resources to help you plan your global opportunity. If you have questions, please contact Engineering’s Undergraduate Research and International Experience Coordinator at URIE@engineering.utoronto.ca.