The 2022-2023 Academic Year
To answer the questions you may have regarding the 2022-2023 academic year, we have compiled a detailed frequently asked questions (FAQs) section. The Faculty will update the FAQs regularly as new information is confirmed. We encourage you to visit this page often for new updates.
If after reviewing the FAQs, you still have a question that is not addressed here, please email us at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Special Note
Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. The University is planning for all Engineering courses to be delivered in person unless otherwise specified in the Faculty timetable. The University thanks its students, faculty, and staff for their flexibility during these challenging times as we work together to maintain the standards of excellence that are the hallmark of the University.
Links to Additional Resources
2022-2023 Academic Year FAQs
Grades & Final Examinations
The 2023 Winter Term final exam period for engineering exams is scheduled from April 18 to 30, 2023. U of T Engineering students should not make plans, including travel plans, that would render them unavailable to write exams during the Faculty's final exam period. For more information, please review the U of T Engineering Sessional Dates.
The exam timetable will be posted on the Exam Schedules, Locations and Information page on March 1, 2023 (tentative date).
Please be aware that the Arts & Science exam period is held between April 12 to April 28, 2023.
It is the policy of the University of Toronto to arrange reasonable accommodation for the needs of students who observe religious holy days.
For exams running over the hours of sunset, students observing Ramadan are permitted to bring water in a reusable or disposable bottle with labels removed and quiet, nut-free food in a transparent container or bag (wrappers on pre-packaged food products must be removed) into the exam room. This allows students to break their fast after sunset.
Students are also permitted to leave the exam room to observe prayer, accompanied by an invigilator. This will not necessitate extra time.
Students who cannot write a final exam at their scheduled time because of a religious observance must report this and request accommodation by March 27, 2023, via the online form. NOTE: The deadline has been extended to April 7, 2023.
Accommodations due to a religious observance will be scheduled for the next available timeslot. A typical accommodation for someone who is not able to write their exam during the evening, to break their fast, is to move their scheduled exam to an earlier timeslot on that same day. Additionally, for those who are not able to write their exam on a Friday night or a Saturday due to a religious observance, a typical accommodation is to write their exam on Sunday at a special sitting.
Students who do not feel these accommodations meet their needs can submit an exam petition within seven days of the exam. You may be granted a deferred exam during the special exam sitting in June 2023.
Students who cannot write a final exam at their scheduled time because of a religious observance must report this and request accommodation by March 27, 2023, via the online form. NOTE: The deadline has been extended to April 7, 2023.
Accommodation due to a religious observance is scheduled as soon as possible after the original exam time. For students who are not able to write their exam on a Friday night or a Saturday due to a religious observance, a typical accommodation is to write their exam on Sunday at a special sitting.
Students are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible about their religious observance in the accommodation form. A staff member from the Registrar’s Office will reach out to coordinate their exam accommodation.
For more information, please visit Exam Conflicts & Religious Observances.
Where possible, the Faculty works with other faculties to schedule non-Engineering exams out of conflict with Engineering courses. Engineering students with conflicts should report this through the Engineering Accommodation Form by March 27, 2023. NOTE: The deadline has been extended to April 7, 2023.
A staff member in the Registrar’s Office will reach out to coordinate the accommodation request. If you have any concerns, please contact exams@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Absence Declaration
Students who were or will be absent from academic participation and require consideration for missed academic work can report their absence using the Absence Declaration tool in ACORN.
You can declare an absence for a single day or multiple consecutive days. An absence can be declared for up to two days in the past and up to seven calendar days in the future.
Please review the ACORN how-to for a step-by-step guide on submitting an Absence Declaration. If you are unable to declare an absence on ACORN, please reach out to the U of T Engineering Registrar's Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Please be aware that instructors are not automatically alerted when you declare an absence. Students should reach out to their instructors to discuss any needed academic considerations.
As of January 2, 2023, the maximum absence period you can declare using the Absence Declaration tool on ACORN will change from fourteen to seven days in the future. The additional allowance for the day of and two days prior remains unchanged.
If you are unable to declare an absence using the Absence Declaration tool, please reach out to the U of T Engineering Registrar's Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Students should continue to contact their instructor if they are absent for academic accommodation.
U of T has temporarily suspended the need for a doctor’s note or medical certificates for medically related absences. However, documentation is required for absences due to non-medical reasons.
For the 2022 Fall Term, U of T Engineering students who are unable to write a final exam due to an illness (e.g., COVID-19, other illness) must:
- Declare your absence on ACORN before you miss the final exam
- Submit a final exam petition through the Engineering Portal within seven days of the exam. Please include a screenshot or email confirmation of the absence declaration with your petition.
The Undergraduate Assessment Committee (UAC) will review each case individually. At their discretion, the UAC may grant a deferred exam, which will be written during the 2023 Winter Term Reading Week (February 20 to 24, 2023), or an assessed mark if deemed most appropriate and on the basis of sufficient closely supervised term-work.
If you are sick or are experiencing other extenuating circumstances that you feel will severely affect your performance, do not write your final examination. The UAC is less likely to grant a petition after a student has attempted the final examination.
U of T has temporarily suspended the need for a Verification of Illness including a doctor’s note or medical certificates for medically related absences. If you are unable to attend class or complete an assessment due to an illness, you must report your absence through the Student Absence Declaration Tool on ACORN.
Please be aware that documentation is still required for absences due to non-medical reasons.
If you are feeling distressed or overwhelmed, please know that you are not alone. The Faculty is committed to fostering a culture of care and support. We encourage you to review the U of T Engineering Mental Health & Wellness for resources and support available to all engineering students.
If you are not sure where to start, consider booking an appointment with the U of T Engineering Mental Health Programs Officer through the Advising Portal. They are here to support and guide you on the mental health resources available to students and can give you tips on well-being.
Please consider the support and resources available, including:
- U of T Engineering’s Talk to Someone Right Now: If you need immediate or urgent support, please visit this page for a list of support services that are available 24/7 for U of T Engineering undergrads. It also provides resources for ongoing support.
- U of T My Student Support Program (MY SSP): Provides students with immediate or ongoing confidential, 24-hour counselling support in 146 languages.
- U of T Navi: Your Mental Health Wayfinder: U of T students now have a more streamlined way to discover mental health resources and support. Navi, short for navigator, is a chat-based service that acts as a virtual assistant for students who want to learn more about the mental health supports available at the University.
- Wellness Together Canada: Funded by the Government of Canada in response to mental distress from the COVID-19 pandemic. The site provides online support for mental health and addiction by providing customized wellness programs and provides self-guided courses and apps, an online community of coaching and support, and one-to-one counselling.
- CAMH Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic: It is normal to feel anxious and afraid while we deal with the effects of this pandemic. If you or someone you know is struggling, the CAMH resources are there to support you. Remember: no matter where you are or what you’re going through, you don’t have to go through it alone.
We continue to ask members of our community to please remain home if they are ill. Individuals can take the Provincial Self-Assessment to determine what to do next. If you are unable to attend class or complete an assessment due to an illness, you must report your absence through the Student Absence Declaration Tool on ACORN.
Please also refer to the Procedures in the Event of Confirmed/Symptomatic Case or Exposure to COVID-19 page from U of T’s Environmental Health & Safety.
If term work, including participation grades, is affected by your illness and absence, please complete a term-work petition. If you are unable to attend a final exam due to an illness, please submit a final exam petition. Petitions can be submitted through the Engineering Portal.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to the Registrar’s Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
The University's mask requirements have been lifted as of July 1, 2022. Some members of our community may choose to continue to wear a mask. We ask everyone to respect each other's decisions, comfort levels and health needs.
Please see the latest U of T COVID-19 planning update. Please note this requirement may be reinstated on short notice should public health conditions or guidance change.
Although masking indoors will no longer be mandatory as of July 1, 2022, we encourage you to wear a well-fitting medical mask indoors including instructional spaces, especially in more crowded areas, to help protect yourself and others.
Some individuals may be required to mask if they have been recently exposed to COVID-19 or someone with symptoms, or have recently returned to Canada, or if the nature of their work requires them to wear personal protective equipment.
For more information on what type of mask to wear as well as exemptions, visit the masking section of the UTogether FAQs.
Yes! The University has supported the province’s vaccination efforts by supplying space and volunteers for COVID-19 vaccine clinics on its three campuses, in partnership with local hospitals. So far, more than 400,000 doses have been administered at the U of T-hosted vaccination sites and pop-ups.
More information on how to book a vaccination on campus is available via the Discovery Pharmacy.
As of July 28, 2022, U of T has reinstated the vaccination requirement for students and employees living in University residences. Students living in residences this fall will be required to have a primary series of a COVID-19 vaccine and at least one booster dose before moving in. More information on this measure is available in the Vaccines FAQs on our UTogether website.
We strongly encourage everyone to remain up-to-date on vaccinations and to upload their vaccination documents to U of T’s UCheck platform. Vaccination documents can be uploaded to UCheck here. Please click on the button reading “Report your Vaccination Booster Status” to upload additional documents.
If you would like to book a COVID-19 vaccination, appointments are available through the Discovery Pharmacy.
More information is available in the latest July 28, 2022, COVID-19 Planning Update.
The University has paused the requirement for all members of our community to be fully vaccinated to come to campus. Please note this requirement may be reinstated on short notice should public health conditions or guidance change.
While students and employees who are unvaccinated may enrol in classes with in-person components or attend University premises for work activities, vaccination requirements may be reinstated with little notice, which could result in de-enrolment or ineligibility to work.
However, the University will require students living in residence for the 2022-2023 academic year to be vaccinated against COVID-19, including at least one booster dose. More information can be found on the Vice-Provost Students' website.
Staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations is strongly encouraged, and UCheck continues to be available for uploading proof of vaccination. Those seeking vaccination appointments can refer to the provincial vaccination portal, UTogether vaccine site and may schedule COVID-19 vaccinations through U of T's Discovery Pharmacy.
For more information on vaccines, please visit the vaccine section of the UTogether FAQs.
Click here for more information on the efficiency and effectiveness of vaccines.
UHIP is the mandatory health care coverage for registered international and exchange students while they study in Canada. It is your basic health insurance and helps cover the costs of health care services. For a complete list of what is covered, visit the UHIP website.
UHIP coverage for returning and current international students runs until August 31, 2022, and is automatically renewed from September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023.
New, incoming international students who arrive before September 1, 2022, are eligible for free UHIP coverage starting August 10, 2022.
Current students who dis-enrolled from UHIP for the 2022 Winter and Summer terms will be automatically enrolled for UHIP for the 2022-2023 academic year, starting September 1, 2022. If students arrive before September 1, they must email a request to uhip.information@utoronto.ca to have UHIP reactivated and will need to pay the fee for the month of August.
There are a number of resources you can access to find current information regarding the pandemic, what to do if you’re not feeling well, COVID-19 testing, and best practices to stay healthy.
Visit these resources regularly for updates:
Student Services & St. George Campus
To access the University and Faculty online services, you must convert your JOINid to a UTORid before classes begin. Your JOINid can be found on your Offer of Acceptance letter along with your student number. Then, you will need to pick up your actual TCard when you arrive on campus.
For step-by-step instructions, please visit Get Your UTORid & TCard. For all incoming first-year students, you can also watch a video on how to get your UTORid and TCard here.
Effective Monday, Feb. 7, U of T will increase in-person teaching and activities across all our campuses and faculties.
For details regarding on-campus student services, including sports and recreation, please visit the websites of U of T Sport & Recreation, Hart House, St. George Student Life, UTM Student Services and UTSC Student Services.
U of T students continue to have access to all electronic resources available through the library’s catalogue, including e-books, online journal article databases, primary source databases and streaming videos. Students can also log into a library computer remotely to use specialized software, including data analysis and design tools.
For details on operating hours, please visit the University of Toronto Libraries website.
Starting Feb. 7, 2022, ECF labs will be open to all U of T Engineering students, staff, and faculty with TCard access when the labs are not booked for scheduled classes.
While these labs are technically open 24/7 once students, staff, and faculty are inside the buildings, access to the labs will be impacted by nightly and weekend building closures.
When a student enters a lab, they are required to log into a PC as part of contact tracing protocols; students must sign into a PC even if they do not plan to use the PC. Students must complete their UCheck assessment prior to coming to campus and face masks are mandatory in all common-use spaces.
Reminder: remote access to ECF labs is always available to U of T Engineering undergraduates.
Financial Matters
For the most up-to-date information on tuition and non-tuition incidental fees, please visit the Vice-Provost, Students, page.
The 2022-2023 OSAP application is available through the OSAP website.
For more information, visit the University’s Financial Aid website, which includes FAQs regarding OSAP.
The University is planning for all Engineering courses to be delivered in person unless otherwise specified in the Faculty timetable.
Complete course dates, times and other timetable details can also be found through Timetable Builder.
For more information, please refer to the 2022-2023 Fall-Winter Enrolment & Registration Guide.
Visit U of T Engineering’s 2023 Summer Registration & Enrolment Guide for detailed information on how to register for Engineering courses and Arts & Science courses offered in the summer session. This includes important dates, fee payments, OSAP deferral, courses offered, wait lists and more.
If you have any questions that are not addressed by the Guide, please reach out to the Office of the Registrar at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Visit the Government of Canada’s Travel & Tourism site for updates related to travel within and outside Canada.
NEW: As of January 5, 2023, the Government of Canada announced a temporary negative COVID-19 test requirement for travellers arriving from the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong or Macao. You will need to provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test result, taken no more than two days before departure, to the airline prior to boarding. See the Government of Canada website for more information. If your travel is delayed, please contact the Registrar's Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
We understand that study permit delays are stressful. All incoming first-year students who cannot arrive on campus by September 8 due to study permit delays will be provided with accommodations that allow them to begin their learning remotely, on a short-term basis.
Please keep us updated on the current status of your study permit and your travel plans by completing the Late Campus Arrival Request form: https://uoft.me/EngineeringLateArrival. If you experience any changes to your status or travel plans, please include this information in the form. Because the U of T Engineering curriculum is designed to give a hands-on learning experience, students are encouraged to arrive on campus as soon as possible.
If you are an incoming TrackOne or Core8 student and are unable to arrive by September 25, you will be required to enrol in a modified course load and will complete your remaining first-year courses during the summer term. Upon successful completion of your summer courses, you will be able to continue into Year 2 with the rest of your cohort.
If you are an incoming Engineering Science student, your department will work with you directly to provide remote accommodation and academic planning support.
We understand that delays with your study permit are stressful. We encourage you to continue working with your governmental office to receive your study permit.
If you are not able to arrive on campus by September 8 due to study permit delays, please reach out to your departmental advisor directly. Your department will be able to discuss your options for short-term remote accommodation and academic planning support, based on your specific circumstances.
Because the U of T Engineering curriculum is designed to give a hands-on learning experience, students are encouraged to arrive on campus as soon as possible.
Please note that accommodations for reasons other than study permit delays must be requested through the Petitions process, accessible in the Engineering Student Portal: https://portal.engineering.utoronto.ca/weblogin/sites/Student/.
Students should continue to work closely with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to receive their study permits and to keep us informed of any changes to their plans through the Late Campus Arrival Request Form: https://uoft.me/EngineeringLateArrival. Remote accommodations can be provided temporarily for students who will not arrive on campus for the start of the 2022 Fall Term.
Students who wish to defer their studies until September 2023 will receive a full refund. They will also maintain their residence and entrance scholarships for September 2023. The deadline to defer for undergraduate Engineering students is October 17, 2022.
Global Affairs Canada lifted the worldwide advisory to avoid non-essential travel anywhere outside of Canada as of Feb. 28, 2022. As a result, all students are now able to travel internationally on University sanctioned activities. Please note that travel will still not be allowed for undergraduate students for regions with Global Affairs Canada travel advisories of “avoid non-essential travel” and “avoid all travel,” as was the case pre-pandemic.
For all students travelling on University sanctioned activity, you must complete all safety abroad pre-departure requirements including checking travel advisories, completing safety abroad online workshops, securing travel health insurance and completing the safety abroad registry. More information on the safety pre-departure requirements for university activity abroad is available on the Safety Abroad website.
If you have an essential reason to leave Canada, please review your study permit and other immigration documents for the expiry date before you leave the country.
Should you have to travel, for your return to Canada OR if you have to cancel your travel and now remain in Canada, please see the related FAQ for entry to Canada and the Canadian Government Site
For the most current information regarding quarantine requirements and accommodations, please review the University's Quarantine Guide.
For the most current information regarding entry to Canada, pre-arrival information and quarantine information, please review the Vice-Provost's FAQs.
Please also note any COVID-19 testing and vaccination requirements that must be met in order to enter Canada by air or by land.
If you are looking to either apply for or extend your study permit, please visit the Government of Canada’s site for details.
Students seeking accommodation for the Winter 2023 final exam period, must register with Accessibility Services by submitting the Student Intake Package before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. To register and for more information, please visit Accessibility Services Registration & Documentation Requirements.
Student intake packages received after the deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for exceptional circumstances.
Have questions? Contact Accessibility Services at 416-978-8060 or accessibility.services@utoronto.ca.
The Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) is U of T's department that coordinates accommodations for course assessments and final exams.
To receive accommodation for the April 2023 exam period, please request accommodation by Friday, March 17, 2023.
If you have any questions or concerns, please continue to consult your Accessibility Advisor. Accessibility Services can be reached through their main office line at 416-978-8060 and by email at accessibility.services@utoronto.ca.
Accessibility staff are available to answer your questions and help you to arrange telephone or Microsoft Teams appointments with accessibility advisors, learning strategists and their adaptive technologist.
The Volunteer Notetaking Program continues to operate as usual. Volunteer notetakers continue to take notes online and upload it to the Notetaking Portal. For questions or concerns regarding course notes, please contact as.notetaking@utoronto.ca.
It is important you continue to register to receive accommodations for test/exams using the Clockwork Student Portal, even if you are intending to write an online evaluation with your class. Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) will contact your instructor to make arrangements for extra time accommodations on your behalf, but it is critical that you continue to officially register for each assessment with Accommodated Testing Services. Please ensure you register with ATS for each assessment by the deadline.
Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) will continue to open the Exam Centre on an as-needed basis. However, this service is only for students who cannot write their assessments remotely due to accessibility-related reasons. If you need to write an assessment in person, you must e-mail ATS to request this at least ten days in advance of the assessment date. We strongly encourage students to stay safe and stay home as much as possible during this time. If you have any questions about this, please contact ATS or your Accessibility Advisor to discuss (ats.info@utoronto.ca or 416-946-8584).
The 2T2 Orientation Committee is working hard to bring you the best possible F!rosh Week experience to welcome you into your first year at the University of Toronto. First-year students will receive information on what to expect as September approaches.
For more information and the timeline of events, please visit F!rosh Week.
Yes, all students with a residence guarantee will receive a residence placement for the 2022-2023 academic year.
If you have already received a residence placement, your residence location will not change.
If you have not yet received a residence placement but have received guaranteed housing, you will be placed in a residence or in a University-associated temporary or expanded room near campus. More information will be provided to you by Housing Services.
All students are expected to receive their residence placement details by mid-August. If you have not received your placement by August 12, 2022, please contact Housing Services at residence@utoronto.ca.
Graduation & Convocation
U of T looks forward to celebrating the Class of 2022! At this time, the plan is to welcome graduating students in-person to Spring Convocation being held June 2 to 24 at Convocation Hall, subject to any changes in public health guidance. For the latest information on convocation plans, please visit the Office of Convocation website.
If you have a question regarding the upcoming academic year that you cannot find an answer for, you can contact the University through an online form.
If the question is related to U of T Engineering, please email registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca and we'll do our best to find an answer for you.
FAQ Archive
Archive: Student Services & St. George Campus
To limit occupancy and help slow the spread of COVID-19, access to University buildings is restricted to members of the U of T community, with various measures in place to protect the health and safety of community members.
Provincial regulation and public health guidance require that post-secondary institutions implement COVID-19 health screening for anyone coming to campus. This means that all members of our community, including faculty members, librarians, staff, and students, must complete a self-assessment each day they visit any one of the three U of T campuses or any other property owned or operated by U of T. There are two ways to complete the required self-assessment and generate a risk status each time you come to U of T: by using UCheck, or by completing a paper-based or offline self-assessment log. Please visit this COVID-19 self-assessments page for more information.
U of T students continue to have access to all electronic resources available through the library’s catalogue, including e-books, online journal article databases, primary source databases and streaming videos. Students at U of T also have remote access to 2.5 million books and other references through the online repository, HathiTrust.
Students will also be able to log into a library computer remotely to use specialized software, including data analysis and design tools.
Please visit the University of Toronto Libraries information page for the most up-to-date information on library services.
Athletics and recreation
For information about virtual programming and in-person programming (as available) on U of T’s three campuses, please consult the websites below:
- Facilities located on the St. George campus: Sports and Rec programs and Hart House fitness facilities
- Recreation, Athletics and Wellness at the University of Toronto Mississauga
- Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre at the University of Toronto Scarborough
The status of these facilities may change as public health guidance is revised.
Under current provincial health guidelines, Toronto remains in the "Grey — Lockdown" zone. Provincial and City of Toronto guidelines outline what kinds of activities are permitted outside your home. U of T Engineering’s remote access guarantee remains in effect, and the vast majority of student services and supports are accessible remotely.
The ECF computer labs are currently closed to the general public, including U of T students. The closure will remain in place for the duration of the 2021 Summer Session. Remote access remains available.
The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering has entered into a partnership to allow you to apply your ECF print quota to printing via the Staples portal, which may be picked up at any Staples store location in Canada. For further information, including instructions on how to use this service, please visit the Staples Printing page on the ECF Student Services website.
Residence is an important part of the university experience and we’re excited to welcome students to campus. If you applied to live in residence, your experience will be a little different than what you imagined, but U of T’s goal is to make your residence life as fulfilling as possible and to support you every step of the way.
Please visit the University’s FAQs on residence for more information.
Cross-posted from COVID-19 Information for University of Toronto Students.
In order to be able to access University and Faculty online services starting the first day of classes, you must convert your JOINid to a UTORid before classes begin.
You can make an online appointment with the TCard Office as early as April 1, 2021, for Summer Session classes, or May 1, 2021, for Fall Term classes. Details on how to activate your UTORid are posted online.
Your UTORid and password will provide you with access to online services like email (UTmail+), course content on Quercus, webinars, library resources, Microsoft365 applications, network services for international students, WiFi for those on campus, and more. Once you have activated your UTORid, you will be able to create your own U of T email address.
U of T uses email as the official means of communication with students. For this reason, it is important the email address you have listed in ACORN is a University-issued email account (called UTMail+).
All incoming students, and returning students without physical TCards, can pick up their TCard upon their arrival on campus.
Archive: Courses
U of T Engineering undergraduate courses will be delivered remotely in the 2021 Summer Session. The remote access guarantee remains in place for all students. This includes summer programming, such as undergraduate research placements, and the University of Toronto Engineering Academy for students entering their first year in the 2021 Fall Term.
This information is specific to courses offered by the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and does not apply to courses offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. In these circumstances, please be advised that the manner of delivery of courses, co-curricular opportunities, programs and services is subject to change, in accordance with University policies. The University thanks its students, faculty, and staff for their flexibility during these challenging times as we work together to maintain the standards of excellence that are the hallmark of the University.
Please keep checking these FAQs and the University’s UTogether FAQs, for the latest information.
The Faculty’s primary motivation as we plan for January is to protect the health and wellness of our community — this includes undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, researchers, industry partners, alumni and friends. That’s why we are focused on ensuring that we deliver an excellent semester through remote learning.
With all classes, lectures, and course events offered online, we are able to make a remote access guarantee, which will allow every one of our students to complete all academic requirements, including final summative assessments, without delaying their graduation. The remote access guarantee means that for those who cannot be in Toronto, or choose to stay home, you will be able to continue your programs uninterrupted. Students will not be required to attend classes, labs or tutorials in person during the 2021 Winter Term.
To give everyone a bit more of a rest before we begin classes again, the University is extending its planned Winter Break this year. For U of T Engineering students, this means:
- The University will re-open on Monday, January 4, 2021, as planned. Essential services and supports will be available.
- The first day of classes for undergraduate students will be Monday, January 11, 2021.
- Reading Week will still be five days as planned, from February 15-19, 2021, inclusive.
- The last day of undergraduate classes will now be Friday, April 16, 2021.
- Monday, April 19, 2021, will be the Winter Study Day.
- Our final summative assessment period will begin on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, and will include the weekend if needed. The last day of the final summative assessment period will be April 30, 2021.
- Other key administrative deadlines and sessional dates will be extended in accordance with the shift. The Academic Calendar will be updated to reflect these changes. For fees related dates and deadlines, including the refund schedule, please visit the Student Accounts website.
- The registration period for PEY Co-op and ESIP will also be extended, running from January 6-20, 2021.
We’ve managed to make this adjustment without reducing any instructional days — so students will still be able to move through the course material as originally planned.
For the 2021 Winter Term, we anticipate that all final summative assessments for engineering courses will be completed remotely to ensure fairness to all U of T Engineering students.
This information is specific to Engineering courses. For updates on other U of T faculties, please visit their websites.
*Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. In these circumstances, please be advised that the manner of delivery of courses, co-curricular opportunities, programs and services is subject to change, in accordance with University policies. The University thanks its students, faculty, and staff for their flexibility during these challenging times as we work together to maintain the standards of excellence that are the hallmark of the University.
To give everyone a bit more of a rest before we begin classes again, the University is delaying the start of Winter Term classes by one week.
For U of T Engineering students, this means:
- The University will open on Monday, January 4, 2021, as planned. Essential services and supports will be available.
- The first day of classes for undergraduate students will be Monday, January 11, 2021.
As such, a number of sessional dates for the 2021 Winter Term have been shifted forward. The Academic Calendar will be updated with the revised dates and deadlines. For information on fees and the refund schedule, please visit the Student Accounts website.
The Faculty’s primary motivation as we plan for September is to protect the health and wellness of our community — this includes undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, researchers, industry partners, alumni and friends. That’s why we are focused on ensuring that we deliver an excellent semester through remote learning. All classes, lectures, and course events will be offered online.
We are also making a remote access guarantee, which will allow every one of our students to complete all academic requirements remotely, including final exams. The remote access guarantee means that for those who cannot be in Toronto, or choose to stay home, you will be able to continue your programs uninterrupted. Students will not be required to attend classes, labs or tutorials in person during the Fall 2020 Term.
We hope to be able to augment our remote learning with limited, optional in-person experiences, including perhaps socially distant office hours, group projects, or extra- or co-curricular opportunities. However, we continue to take guidance from public health authorities and governments, and cannot forecast when it may be safe to do so. If we are able to safely offer in-person experiences, we will likely not be able to confirm those details until much later in the summer or even early Fall.
Visit U of T Engineering’s 2020-2021 Fall-Winter Registration & Enrolment Guide for detailed information on how to register for the upcoming academic session.
Have a question that’s not addressed by the Guide? Email registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
For the 2020-2021 academic year, the student timetable will include additional information about how the course content will be delivered. The course instructor will provide the specific expectations of the course. For other Faculties, please review their timetables and course delivery plans.
The possible course delivery methods include:
- Online, synchronous: An online course with scheduled meeting times (posted in ACORN) when a student may be expected to participate in activities. Lectures classified as synchronous will be recorded for 2020 Fall Term for students who are not available at the scheduled time. The course may have optional in-person meetings.
- Online, asynchronous: A course delivered online that does not have scheduled meeting times in ACORN. Students are expected to keep up with course work throughout the term.
- In-person: A course that will be delivered in-person and has scheduled meeting times posted in ACORN. Students are expected to attend all meeting sections for in-person courses.
Synchronous online engineering lectures will be recorded. The recordings will available to students signed up in the synchronous lecture section that was recorded. Students will be able to review recorded lectures at a time that works best for them during the day.
In synchronous online engineering courses, the synchronous element of the course may not be the lecture, depending on how the Instructor decides to deliver their course. Instead, the synchronous aspect could be office hours or a tutorial, etc. This information will be communicated to students via the Instructor at the beginning of the course.
If you dropped a course after November 2, 2020, and would like to be re-instated in that course, you must contact your Academic Advisor by November 13, 2020.
Summer Session courses will be offered either in-person or online/synchronously. For more information on which courses are being offered, refer to the 2022 Summer Enrolment & Registration Guide. Please note that all final exams will be assumed to be in-person.
If you are an incoming first-year student, you will receive more information about how to participate in the University of Toronto Engineering Academy.
Archive: Orientation
The 2T0 Orientation Committee is working hard to bring you the best possible virtual F!rosh Week experience to welcome you into your first year at the University of Toronto. Traditionally, F!rosh Week is held in person on U of T's St. George campus. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve dedicated our resources to creating an outstanding virtual orientation experience for every 2T4.
Orientation registration opened June 25, 2020.
F!rosh Week’s Instagram and Facebook pages are populated with fun facts about U of T Engineering and F!rosh Week. They will be updated frequently with new content throughout the summer. Their blog has helpful tips and advice from upper-year students about how to navigate university.
F!rosh Week social media:
- Instagram: @froshweek
- Facebook: @froshweekuofteng
- Official 2T0 Orientation blog
- YouTube
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about F!rosh Week, email the 2T0 Orientation Committee at froshweek@orientation.skule.ca.
Archive: Technology
The University recommends that you acquire a personal computer to support your learning needs. While a suitable system may be Windows- or macOS-based, a laptop can offer you additional flexibility. Please visit www.uoft.me/techspecs for full recommendations. You will also be able to access any software required for class.
The University of Toronto is pleased to announce the availability of a new network service – Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN). It is a free service available to all students.
Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Network is located in the People’s Republic of China and will allow for a fast, reliable and consistent connection to U of T’s network and in turn its online learning resources such as Quercus, Piazza, and more.
To learn more, and for installation instructions, please visit here. If you are a new student, please note you will need to activate your UTORid, and can do so by following instructions for receiving a Tcard.
You can find information on technical requirements, adaptive technology, recommended accessories, and internet connectivity on this page. The page also includes an FAQ.
We encourage undergraduate students who are facing financial hardship to connect with the U of T Engineering Office of Scholarships & Financial Aid to discuss bursaries that may be available.
The “dial-in” option for BB Collaborate is based on a United States-based phone number and users, including students, will incur long-distance charges in U.S. dollars. Joining via the browser is strongly recommended.
Archive: Grades & Final Summative Assessments
The Registrar’s Office will offer various post-exam services to engineering students. These services are available for request through the Engineering Portal.
- Final Exam Viewings will be offered on weekdays between January 31 to February 9, 2023. Please select your preferred time and date by completing the form on the portal. Bookings will open on the morning of January 24 and close on February 8.
- Final Exam Copies will be available for purchase from January 11 to February 15, 2023.
- Final Mark Re-Checks & Final Exam Re-Grades can be requested from January 11 to February 15, 2023. Please note that on the request form, you must identify specific errors for your Instructor to check. We strongly encourage you to attend an exam viewing session or purchase an exam copy before submitting a request.
Please visit each page to learn more about each post-exam service available.
You may have seen your grades posted on ACORN. The 2022 Fall Term grades will become official after the Undergraduate Assessment Committee (UAC) meets on January 13, 2023. You can view your official grade and academic standing on ACORN after January 13, 2023.
We continue to ask students to please remain home if they are ill. If you are unable to write a final exam due to an illness, you must declare your absence on ACORN before you miss the final exam and submit a final exam petition within seven days of the exam. Please include a screenshot or email confirmation of the absence declaration with your petition.
The Undergraduate Assessment Committee (UAC) will review each case individually. At their discretion, the UAC may grant a deferred exam, which will be written during the 2023 Winter Term Reading Week (February 20 to 24, 2023), or an assessed mark if deemed most appropriate and on the basis of sufficient closely supervised term-work.
For the 2022 Winter Term, U of T Engineering students who are absent from class — including final examinations — for any reason (e.g., COVID-19, other illness or injury, bereavement) and require consideration for missed academic work should:
- Report your absences through the online absence declaration in ACORN under the Profile and Settings menu.
- Submit your final examination petition(s) through the Engineering Portal before the deadline of May 7.
U of T has temporarily suspended the need for a doctor’s note or medical certificates for medically related absences. However, documentation is required for absences due to non-medical reasons.
If you are sick or are experiencing other extenuating circumstances that you feel will severely affect your performance, do not write your final examination. The Undergraduate Assessment Committee is less likely to grant a petition after a student has attempted the final examination.
The Faculty’s Examinations Committee understands that remote learning due to COVID-19 has presented a challenging learning environment for many students. As such, in consultation with the Engineering Society and U of T Engineering undergraduates, the Examinations Committee has made some changes to the Faculty’s late withdrawal (LWD) without supporting documentation policy (Academic Regulations, section VIII, subsection 8) for the current term.
LWD Policy Updates
The Faculty’s existing policy on late withdrawal (LWD) from a course without documentation applies to students who wish to withdraw from courses after the withdrawal deadline, but prior to the last day of classes. Traditionally, upper-year U of T Engineering students are only permitted to use the LWD option for electives and there are specific rules regarding the use of the LWD option for first-year students.
For the 2021 Winter Term, the Examinations Committee is permitting U of T Engineering undergraduates (years 1 through 4) to use the late withdrawal option (LWD)* for electives and core courses (to a maximum of 1.0 credits). The deadline to select the LWD option has been extended to May 14, 2021. The deadline will be extended by the Committee on Examinations for courses where final grades are not released by at least one week prior to the LWD deadline.
*The last date to cancel or withdraw from a course with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date a student is eligible to receive a refund. The refund schedule and deadlines are posted at studentaccount.utoronto.ca. If you have questions or concerns about how selecting the LWD option will affect your academic status, academic progression, full- or part-time status, or financial obligations (i.e. OSAP, grants, etc.), please consult your Academic Advisor.
LWD Notation on Transcript
If a student chooses the late withdrawal (LWD) option for a course, a notation of “LWD” will appear on the student’s transcript in place of the earned grade and no credit will be retained for the course.
LWD & Scholarships & Dean’s Honours List
Students considering selecting the LWD option should be aware of existing policies around late withdrawal (Academic Regulations section V) as they still apply.
For example, if a student reduces their academic load to less than a full load as defined by the student’s year and program of study, the change may make the student ineligible for certain scholarships and the Dean’s Honours List. Full-time students must retain at least 2.0 credits (four half-courses) to be eligible for the Dean’s Honours list.
LWD & Academic Progression & Course Prerequisites
If a student is considering selecting the LWD option for a core course or elective, they should consult their Academic Advisor to ensure they are aware of the potential impact on their academic progression.
LWD & Graduation with Honours & High Honour Status
Selecting the LWD option will not negatively affect a student’s ability to pass a term with honours or graduate with honours, if otherwise applicable.
LWD Deadlines
The 2021 Winter Term deadline to select LWD for core courses and electives is now May 14, 2021.
LWD & Final Summative Assessments
Students who select the LWD option before the deadline are not required to write the final summative assessments for those courses.
2021 Winter Term Course Drop Deadlines
February 22, 2021, is the deadline to cancel Y (full-year) courses without academic penalty.
March 15, 2021, is the last day a U of T Engineering undergraduate can drop 2021 Winter Term Engineering or Arts & Science courses, or withdraw from the term without academic penalty.
The Difference in Transcript Notations for Dropped Courses Versus LWD Courses
If you dropped a course or the term in advance of or on the March 15, 2021, deadline, the affected course or term was completely removed from your transcript. If a student does not drop a course and later selects the LWD option, the course will have an “LWD” notation on a student’s transcript instead of the earned grade.
How Late Withdrawal (LWD) or Dropping a Course Affects OSAP Funding or Re-Assessment
If a student received OSAP funding for full-time studies for the full academic year (Fall and Winter terms combined), provided the student remains enrolled as a full-time student (minimum of 1.5 credits per term or 1.0 if a student is registered with a permanent disability) and there is no adjustment to the student’s fees, there will be no impact to the student’s OSAP funding if they select the LWD option.
A student must pass a minimum of 3.0 credits or 2.0 if registered with a permanent disability to avoid OSAP academic probation or restrictions. If a student has received OSAP funding for full-time studies for one term only, they must pass a minimum of 1.5 credits or 1.0 if registered with a permanent disability to avoid OSAP academic probation or restrictions.
Have questions related to OSAP? Email awards@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Have a question? Let Us Help!
Please review all the information above carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to the Office of the Registrar or your Academic Advisor.
LWD Form
If you plan to use the late withdrawal option, the form is located on the LWD page on the undergraduate site and must be submitted to your academic advisor by May 14, 2021.
If you drop a 2021 Winter Term course or the term in advance of or on the March 15, 2021, deadline, the affected course or term will be completely removed from your transcript.
If a student does not drop a course and later selects the LWD option, the course will have an “LWD” notation on a student’s transcript instead of the earned grade.
The last date to cancel or withdraw from a course with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date a student is eligible to receive a refund. The refund schedule and deadlines are posted at studentaccount.utoronto.ca.
If a student received OSAP funding for full-time studies for the full academic year (Fall and Winter terms combined), provided the student remains enrolled as a full-time student (minimum of 1.5 credits per term or 1.0 if a student is registered with a permanent disability) and there is no adjustment to the student’s fees, there will be no impact to the student’s OSAP funding if they select the LWD option.
A student must pass a minimum of 3.0 credits or 2.0 if registered with a permanent disability to avoid OSAP academic probation or restrictions. If a student has received OSAP funding for full-time studies for one term only, they must pass a minimum of 1.5 credits or 1.0 if registered with a permanent disability to avoid OSAP academic probation or restrictions.
Have questions related to OSAP? Email awards@engineering.utoronto.ca.
The Faculty’s remote access guarantee for the 2020 Fall Term and 2021 Winter Term will allow every one of our students to complete all academic requirements remotely, including final assessments or exams.
The remote access guarantee means that for those who cannot be in Toronto, or choose to stay home, you will be able to continue your programs uninterrupted. Students will not be required to attend classes, labs or tutorials in person during the 2020 Fall Term or 2021 Winter Term.
The preliminary 2021 Winter Term final summative assessment schedule is available on the undergraduate site; your instructor will communicate any changes or updates to your final summative assessment details to you by March 15, 2021.
Students are responsible for knowing the details of their final summative assessments, as provided by their instructors. If, by March 15, 2021, you have not received your summative final assessment details from an instructor (i.e. format, date and time, permitted aids, required hardware/software), please contact them directly.
As always, you are expected to adhere to the Faculty’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. Your instructors may ask you to sign mandatory pledges to that effect and have you submit them along with your final summative assessments.
Additionally, unless otherwise stated by your instructor, all internet forums and other forums of communication are prohibited during the writing of your final summative assessments.
Please review the information below regarding time zone conflicts, schedule conflicts and religious observance conflicts.
Time Zone Conflict
A student may submit a final summative assessment time zone conflict if a time-based final summative assessment is scheduled between 12:00 a.m. (midnight) – 6 a.m. local time for the student. An example of a time zone conflict is when the final summative assessment is scheduled to start at 2:00 p.m. (EST), but this coincides with 2:00 a.m. local time for the student.
Final summative assessment time zone conflicts must be submitted to the Faculty through the term-work petition system, which is located in the Engineering Portal; do not complete a final exam petition for time zone conflicts. Time zone conflict petitions must be submitted between March 8, 2021, and March 22, 2021 (new extended deadline). Time zone conflict petitions submitted after the extended March 22, 2021, deadline may not be accepted.
Instructors will provide accommodations for approved petitions. Those accommodations may include, but are not limited to, rescheduling the final summative assessment for a student, offering the final summative assessment in a different but comparable format, or asking the Committee on Examinations to grant a student a deferred final summative assessment (June 2021). Decisions will be communicated to students by March 30, 2021.
The Faculty reserves the right to request supporting documentation to support time zone conflicts.
Schedule Conflict
Two final summative assessments scheduled to start and finish during any six-hour window or three final summative assessments scheduled to start and finish during any 24-hour period will be considered a schedule conflict. If you have a final summative assessment schedule conflict that you wish to petition, you must contact your Academic Advisor by March 30, 2021. Petitions submitted after this deadline may not be accepted.
Religious Accommodation
The Faculty remains committed to accommodating students who have direct religious conflicts with planned final summative assessments. If a direct conflict exists between the time that a final summative assessment must be completed and a student’s religious commitment, the student must contact the Registrar’s Office (exams@engineering.utoronto.ca) by March 30, 2021. In cases where there is a reasonable, conflict-free time frame to complete the requirements of the final summative assessment (e.g., approximately three hours), special accommodations will not be required. Requests for accommodations submitted after the deadline of March 30, 2021, may not be accepted.
Accommodations for Final Summative Assessment Conflicts
Instructors are encouraged to discuss potential accommodations with affected students, but ultimately the instructor has the discretion to choose the accommodation. Accommodations may include but are not limited to:
- Offering a different time slot for the timed assessment.
- Creating an equivalent substitute assessment (e.g., oral exam, take-home exam).
- Requesting that the Examinations Committee assign a deferred exam for the student (typically offered during the following term).
You still need to register with Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) for each assessment or exam. You will find details for all assessments or exams in the syllabus for each course. We recommend registering for all of your term tests as soon as possible so that you don’t miss registration deadlines throughout the term. The deadline to register is 14 days before each assessment or exam.
For each of your bookings, ATS will contact your instructor or department administrator to get the details of the assessment.
Please note that in order to implement your accommodations online, they will be shared on a need-to-know basis. They may be shared with your instructor and/or department administrator, depending on your department’s processes and the platform being used. If you have questions or concerns about who your accommodations will be shared with, please contact ATS.
Once your accommodations have been implemented, you will receive a confirmation email from ATS. ATS will aim to notify you a minimum of two business days prior to your assessment, however there may be delays depending on when they hear back from your instructor/faculty.
Visit Accessibility Service’s website for more information and regular updates. If you have any questions regarding whether or not you need to re-register with Accessibility Services for the upcoming academic year, or if you're already auto-registered, we encourage you to contact them directly to confirm.
For the 2020 Fall Term and 2021 Winter Term, U of T Engineering students who are absent from class (including final summative assessments) for any reason (e.g., COVID-19, other illness or injury) and require consideration for missed academic work must report their absences through the University’s online absence declaration tool. The declaration tool is available in ACORN under the Profile and Settings menu. Engineering students must also complete a term-work petition for missed term work or a final exam petition for missed final summative assessments.
U of T has temporarily suspended the need for doctor’s notes or medical certificates for any medical-related absence from academic participation at the University. Documentation, however, is required for absences related to other (non-medical) reasons; strong documentation typically results in a stronger petition.
Students are not encouraged to write a final summative assessment if they feel their performance will be severely affected by illness. The Examinations Committee is less likely to grant a petition after the student has attempted the final summative assessment.
If you experience internet or computer issues, please collect as much documentation as possible regarding the issue and submit this documentation with your petition. Some examples of possible documentation include:
- Taking a picture with a cellphone or camera or taking a screenshot of the issue on your computer. The photo should be time-stamped if possible.
- Report from an outage website, the government, electric utility, your internet service provider, or other sources to confirm internet disruption or power failure.
- Obtaining a letter confirming the outage (e.g., from your internet provider, building manager, etc.).
If a petition is approved, the Examinations Committee will assign an accommodation after consulting with the course instructor. Due to the Faculty’s remote access guarantee for the current academic year, most courses do not have closely supervised work, and, as a result, assessed grades will not always be possible. Deferred final summative assessments will be employed when necessary.
The Faculty’s Examinations Committee understands that remote learning due to COVID-19 has presented a challenging learning environment for many students. As such, in consultation with the Engineering Society and U of T Engineering undergraduates, the Examinations Committee has made some changes to the Faculty’s late withdrawal (LWD) without supporting documentation policy (Academic Regulations, section VIII, subsection 8) for the current term.
LWD Policy Updates
The Faculty’s existing policy on late withdrawal (LWD) from a course without documentation applies to students who wish to withdraw from courses after the withdrawal deadline (November 9, 2020), but prior to the last day of classes. Traditionally, upper-year U of T Engineering students are only permitted to use the LWD option for electives and there are specific rules regarding the use of the LWD option for first-year students.
For the 2020 Fall Term, the Examinations Committee is permitting U of T Engineering undergraduates (years 1 through 4) to use the late withdrawal option (LWD)* for electives and core courses (to a maximum of 1.0 credits). The deadline to select the LWD option has been extended to January 15, 2021. The deadline will be extended by the Committee on Examinations for courses where final grades are not released by at least one week prior to the LWD deadline.
*The last date to cancel or withdraw from a course with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date a student is eligible to receive a refund. The refund schedule and deadlines are posted at studentaccount.utoronto.ca. If you have questions or concerns about how selecting the LWD option will affect your academic status, academic progression, full- or part-time status, or financial obligations (i.e. OSAP, grants, etc.), please consult your Academic Advisor.
LWD Notation on Transcript
If a student chooses the late withdrawal (LWD) option for a course, a notation of “LWD” will appear on the student’s transcript in place of the earned grade and no credit will be retained for the course.
LWD & Scholarships & Dean’s Honours List
Students considering selecting the LWD option should be aware of existing policies around late withdrawal (Academic Regulations section V) as they still apply.
For example, if a student reduces their academic load to less than a full load as defined by the student’s year and program of study, the change may make the student ineligible for certain scholarships and the Dean’s Honours List. Full-time students must retain at least 2.0 credits (four half-courses) to be eligible for the Dean’s Honours list.
LWD & Academic Progression & Course Prerequisites
If a student is considering selecting the LWD option for a core course or elective, they should consult their Academic Advisor to ensure they are aware of the potential impact on their academic progression.
LWD & Graduation with Honours & High Honour Status
Selecting the LWD option will not negatively affect a student’s ability to pass a term with honours or graduate with honours, if otherwise applicable.
LWD Deadlines
The 2020 Fall Term deadline to select LWD for core courses and electives is now January 15, 2021.
LWD & Final Summative Assessments
Students who select the LWD option before the deadline are not required to write the final summative assessments for those courses.
2020 Fall Term Course Drop Deadlines
November 9, 2020, was the last day a U of T Engineering undergraduate could drop 2020 Fall Term Engineering or Arts & Science courses, or withdraw from the term without academic penalty.
The Difference in Transcript Notations for Dropped Courses Versus LWD Courses
If you dropped a course or the term in advance of or on the November 9, 2020, deadline, the affected course or term was completely removed from your transcript. If a student does not drop a course and later selects the LWD option, the course will have an “LWD” notation on a student’s transcript instead of the earned grade.
How Late Withdrawal (LWD) or Dropping a Course Affects OSAP Funding or Re-Assessment
If a student received OSAP funding for full-time studies for the full academic year (Fall and Winter terms combined), provided the student remains enrolled as a full-time student (minimum of 1.5 credits per term or 1.0 if a student is registered with a permanent disability) and there is no adjustment to the student’s fees, there will be no impact to the student’s OSAP funding if they select the LWD option.
A student must pass a minimum of 3.0 credits or 2.0 if registered with a permanent disability to avoid OSAP academic probation or restrictions. If a student has received OSAP funding for full-time studies for one term only, they must pass a minimum of 1.5 credits or 1.0 if registered with a permanent disability to avoid OSAP academic probation or restrictions.
Have questions related to OSAP? Email awards@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Have a question? Let Us Help!
Please review all the information above carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to the Office of the Registrar or your Academic Advisor.
LWD Form
If you plan to use the late withdrawal option, the form is located on the LWD page on the undergraduate site and must be submitted to your academic advisor by January 15, 2021.
The preliminary 2020 Fall Term final summative assessment schedule is available on the undergraduate site; your instructor will communicate any changes or updates to your final summative assessment details to you by November 2, 2020.
The standard final summative assessment length, unless otherwise specified by an instructor, is 2.5 hours, plus a 30-minute submission time. Instructors will offer time-based final summative assessments (i.e. 2.5 hours, plus 30-minute submission time) or an alternate format (example: submission deadline for a 2.5-hour exam in a 24-hour window of time, etc.).
Students are responsible for knowing the details of their final summative assessments, as provided by their instructors. If, by November 3, 2020, you have not received your summative final assessment details from an instructor (i.e. format, date and time, permitted aids, required hardware/software), please contact them directly.
As always, you are expected to adhere to the Faculty’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. Your instructors may ask you to sign mandatory pledges to that effect and have you submit them along with your final summative assessments.
Additionally, unless otherwise stated by your instructor, all internet forums and other forums of communication are prohibited during the writing of your final summative assessments.
For the 2020 Winter Term only, U of T Engineering undergraduates had the option of choosing how their grades were recorded on their transcripts, which included percent (%) grades (per normal) or they could opt for the Credit / No Credit (CR/NCR) option after seeing their final grades.
The temporary Credit / No Credit option for U of T Engineering students that was in place for the 2020 Winter Term is NOT available for U of T Engineering students for the 2020 Fall Term. This includes courses taken in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering and other faculties.
Please ensure you review the course drop deadlines for the term and the Faculty's revised late withdrawal (LWD) policy for the 2020 Fall Term as outlined in an email sent to all U of T Engineering undergraduates on November 6, 2020, and in the 2020 Fall Term FAQs.
If you have concerns about your Fall Term courses, term work or grades, we encourage you to connect with your Academic Advisor to discuss any issues.
We are preparing to host 2022 Winter Term exams in-person, as planned. To find out where and when your exams are taking place, please review the Final Exam Schedule. Any changes or updates will be reflected on the schedule so please check regularly.
Yes. UCheck self-assessments are required until the end of the Winter term. For more information regarding health restrictions, please see the latest notice from the University. Please ensure that you complete your UCheck self-assessment before proceeding to your final examination(s) on campus each day: www.utoronto.ca/utogether/ucheck.
Based on your responses, UCheck will provide you with a risk status of red or green.
What if you receive a Green Screen on UCheck?
You may visit University premises and attend your final examination(s) as planned that day.
What if you receive a Red Screen on UCheck?
Everyone with symptoms of COVID-19, including those who are fully vaccinated and those with mild symptoms should stay home, not attend campus, final examinations, or work and self-isolate. If you are living in residence and receive a red screen, self-isolate in your room and immediately contact residence staff for further directions and assistance.
Any student who receives a red screen after completing UCheck should follow the instructions on screen.
If you need to miss an exam due to a red UCheck screen status, please file a petition.
Note: Being late to a final examination because you did not complete your UCheck self-assessment prior to coming to campus is not a valid reason to petition a final examination, nor will extra time be provided to you to write the examination.
As you know, in-person final examinations that were originally scheduled between Dec. 16-21, 2021, did not go ahead and will not be rescheduled or replaced with another assessment.
For affected Engineering courses, final course grades will be assessed using a Faculty-approved procedure based on term work. If you would like to petition an assessed grade, please submit a request using the Special Consideration Petition via the Engineering Portal by Jan. 7, 2022, or 48 hours after the assessed course marks are released if released after Jan. 5, 2022. Your assessed course grades, pending any unexpected delays, will be posted by Jan. 5, 2022.
The Undergraduate Assessment Committee (formerly named the Committee on Examinations) will likely accommodate students by offering deferred online final examinations scheduled for January or February 2022; however, deferred final examinations are not guaranteed.
If the Undergraduate Assessment Committee grants a student a deferred online final examination for a cancelled examination, the student must write the deferred examination and the student’s final grade will be based on the course’s original composition of final marks. If a student is permitted to write a deferred final examination for a cancelled course, once the deferral is granted, the student may not later request to have assessed grade re-inserted into their transcript.
If you plan to petition a final examination that was scheduled before Dec. 16, 2021, please ensure you submit a Final Examination Petition within seven days of your last final examination.
For affected 2021 Fall Term courses, U of T Engineering undergraduates are permitted to request Credit/No Credit (CR/NCR) enrolment or Late Withdrawal Without Documentation (LWD) accommodations for any non-engineering electives with cancelled exams, if permitted by the Faculty that offers the course.
To determine if your non-engineering course is eligible for CR/NCR enrolment, please refer to the relevant faculty’s website for their updates on this topic. LWD requests must be approved by the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering.
CR/NCR enrolment and LWD are not available for engineering program core courses or for any courses offered by the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering (including those with FAS course codes, e.g., PHY180, MAT292, etc.).
If you would like to request a CR/NCR enrolment or LWD accommodation, please submit a request using U of T Engineering’s online form by Jan. 7, 2022, or 48 hours after the assessed course marks are released if released after Jan. 5, 2022. If you are requesting CR/NCR or LWD for multiple non-engineering elective courses, you must submit the form once per course.
If you have any questions, please let us know or reach out to your Academic Advisor in advance of the deadlines.
Archive: Travel
The Government of Canada has announced that they will process study permit applications in time for the 2021 Fall Term if the applications are submitted by May 15, 2021. Details are posted online.
If you have not already done so, please begin the process of applying for your study permit before May 15, 2021. After that date, there is no guarantee that your visa will be processed in time for the start of the 2021–2022 academic year.
The University has posted pre-recorded webinars on how to apply for a study permit from outside of Canada. On the Immigration Workshops & Info Sessions web page, click on “Program Registration” for a link to the recorded sessions.
For the most current information regarding entry to Canada and pre-arrival information, please review the Vice-Provost's FAQs.
For the most current information regarding quarantine requirements and accommodations, please review the Vice-Provost's FAQs.
Visit the Government of Canada’s Travel & Tourism site for updates related to travel within and outside Canada.
U of T Engineering has made a remote access guarantee, which will allow every one of our students to complete all academic requirements remotely, including final assessments/exams. The remote access guarantee means that for those who cannot be in Toronto, or choose to stay home, you will be able to continue your programs uninterrupted. Students will not be required to attend classes, labs or tutorials in person during the 2021 Summer Session.
U of T Engineering has made a remote access guarantee, which will allow every one of our students to complete all academic requirements remotely, including final assessments/exams. The remote access guarantee means that for those who cannot be in Toronto, or choose to stay home, you will be able to continue your programs uninterrupted. Students will not be required to attend classes, labs or tutorials in person during the 2021 Winter Term.
No. U of T Engineering has made a remote access guarantee, which will allow every one of our students to complete all academic requirements remotely, including final assessments/exams. The remote access guarantee means that for those who cannot be in Toronto, or choose to stay home, you will be able to continue your programs uninterrupted. Students will not be required to attend classes, labs or tutorials in person during the 2020 Fall Term.
We hope to be able to augment our remote learning with limited, optional, in-person experiences, including, perhaps, physically distanced office hours, group projects, and extra- or co-curricular opportunities. However, we continue to take guidance from public health authorities and the government and cannot forecast when it may be safe to do so. If we are able to safely offer in-person experiences, we will likely not be able to confirm those details until much later in the summer or even early Fall.
We understand that some students who travelled for the winter closure may now face challenges in returning to Toronto — for example, some students in China may be subject to city or regional lockdowns. If you expect you will be unable to return to campus in-person due to restrictions, undergraduate students should contact the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible to discuss your options.
Archive: Financial Matters
The University has reduced non-tuition incidental fees that go to student services and recreation programs for the summer session and have made similar reductions for the Fall Term.
No changes have been made to planned tuition levels as academic programs continue to be delivered through alternative means and some will include in-person components where possible in accordance with public health and government. We encourage students who are facing financial hardship to visit the Funding Opportunity Directory.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please email Pierina Filippone (awards@engineering.utoronto.ca), Assistant Registrar, Financial Aid & Scholarships to discuss your situation.
The 2020-2021 OSAP application is available through the OSAP website.
For more information, visit the University’s Financial Aid website, which includes FAQs regarding OSAP.
The University of Toronto is working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, including providing emergency financial support and work-study opportunities for students. The new Funding Opportunity Directory provides resources to access those University financial aid supports as well as provincial and federal government programs. The page will be updated regularly.
Source: Funding Opportunity Directory
International students who are studying remotely outside of Ontario, Canada, for the full Fall Term are able to dis-enrol from the University Health Insurance Program (UHIP) from October 1, 2020, to November 1, 2020, by completing an online application form.
Once approved, a student’s UHIP coverage will be cancelled and the associated fees will be removed from the student’s account in ACORN; if a student has already paid their UHIP fees, the fees will be credited back to their account.
Students’ UHIP coverage and associated fees will be activated again automatically for January through August 2021. If border restrictions continue, we will provide more information regarding how to dis-enrol for the 2021 Winter Term in January.
Important notes:
- Students are required to contact the UHIP Office to re-activate their coverage as soon as possible if they arrive in Canada before the end of the semester.
- Students studying from another province or territory in Canada for the Fall Term should follow instructions for UHIP exemptions on their website (section Considerations and Exceptions).
- Have a question regarding your eligibility to dis-enroll from UHIP for the 2020 Fall Term? Email: uhip.information@utoronto.ca.
Additional information can be found on the UHIP website.
The 2021-2022 OSAP application is available through the OSAP website.
For more information, visit the University’s Financial Aid website, which includes FAQs regarding OSAP.
For the most up-to-date information on tuition and non-tuition incidental fees, please visit the Vice-Provost, Students, page.
Supports are available for students facing unexpected financial hardship caused by the pandemic. We encourage students to visit this Funding Opportunity Directory for more information on supports and eligibility. Undergraduate students can also contact their college or divisional registrar to apply for emergency bursaries.
Archive: Health
There are a number of resources you can access to find current information regarding the pandemic, what to do if you’re not feeling well, COVID-19 testing, and best practices to stay healthy.
Visit these resources regularly for updates:
We know that this year has been difficult for many. The Faculty is committed to fostering a culture of care and support. The Faculty’s new Mental Health Programs Officer put together a web page of the mental health resources and supports that are available to all U of T Engineering students.
For the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on mental health, you might find the following helpful:
My Student Support Program (MY SSP)
U of T’s My SSP provides students with immediate and/or ongoing confidential, 24-hour counselling support in 146 languages.
Navi: Your Mental Health Wayfinder
U of T students now have a more streamlined way to discover mental health resources and supports. Navi, short for navigator, is a chat-based service that acts as a virtual assistant for students who want to learn more about the mental health supports available to them at the University of Toronto.
Wellness Together Canada
Wellness Together Canada was recently funded by the Government of Canada in response to the spike in incidences of mental distress since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The site provides online support for mental health and addiction by providing customized wellness programs and provides self-guided courses and apps, an online community of coaching and support, and one-to-one counselling.
CAMH Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
It is normal to feel anxious and afraid while we deal with the effects of this pandemic. We know this situation is stressful for everyone; people living with mental illness and addictions may be finding it especially difficult to cope. If you or someone you know is struggling, the resources on the CAMH Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic site are there to support you. Remember: no matter where you are or what you’re going through, you don’t have to go through it alone.
To access rapid antigen screens, please use the Province of Ontario's rapid test locator to find a community distribution location close to you.
For the latest information on the University’s rapid screening program and who can participate, visit the UTogether rapid screening page.
Please note that the University’s vaccine mandate will remain in place until the end of the Winter term, April 30, 2022. Please see the latest notice from the University for more information. The University will be pausing the requirement to be fully vaccinated on May 1, 2022. Please note this requirement may be reinstated on short notice should public health conditions or guidance change.
Those who are not fully vaccinated or have not received a University-approved exemption as per the University’s vaccine guideline may not attend campus for any reason.
Students in courses with an in-person component will be de-registered. Please consult the Registrar’s Office if you have questions: registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Vaccine approvals are subject to change. If you are immunized with a vaccine that has not been approved by Health Canada, the University will work with you based on current health-care guidance and help facilitate immunization with an approved vaccine. You may wish to speak to your local health-care provider for guidance if you have questions.
Health Canada also provides guidance for those who are partially or fully vaccinated with a non-Health Canada approved vaccine.
For more information regarding vaccine clinics and resources, please see the UTogether COVID-19 vaccines page.
Cross-posted from UTogether FAQs.
The University’s Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) staff will have access to proof of vaccination documentation for verification, which will be disclosed through a secure database that is approved to hold the most confidential data assets at the University, including health information. It requires the highest level of confidentiality and has rigorous security requirements to safeguard data protection. This process complies with all provincial privacy standards for health information.
Cross-posted from UTogether FAQs.
Archive: Accessibility
If you are registered with Accessibility Services, you can continue to contact your Accessibility Advisor.
The Accessibility Services Office remains open virtually. Connect with them by telephone (416-978-8060) or email (accessibility.services@utoronto.ca). Updates on Accessibility Services offerings, deadlines and updates can be found on their website.
You still need to register with Accommodated Testing Services (ATS) for each assessment or exam. You will find details for all assessments or exams in the syllabus for each course. We recommend registering for all of your term tests as soon as possible so that you don’t miss registration deadlines throughout the term. The deadline to register is 14 days before each assessment or exam.
For each of your bookings, ATS will contact your instructor or department administrator to get the details of the assessment.
Please note that in order to implement your accommodations online, they will be shared on a need-to-know basis. They may be shared with your instructor and/or department administrator, depending on your department’s processes and the platform being used. If you have questions or concerns about who your accommodations will be shared with, please contact ATS.
Once your accommodations have been implemented, you will receive a confirmation email from ATS. ATS will aim to notify you a minimum of two business days prior to your assessment, however there may be delays depending on when they hear back from your instructor/faculty.
Visit Accessibility Service’s website for more information and regular updates. If you have any questions regarding whether or not you need to re-register with Accessibility Services for the upcoming academic year, or if you're already auto-registered, we encourage you to contact them directly to confirm.
Accessibility Services continues to provide support for students and their instructors to deliver academic accommodations. Information on accessibility-related COVID-19 updates and academic accommodations can be found at each home campus accessibility services offices (UTM, UTSC, St. George).
Cross-posted from COVID-19 Information for University of Toronto Students, Office of the Vice-Provost, Students.
Archive: Petitions
Engineering students who are absent from class for any reason (e.g., COVID-19, other illness or injury) and require consideration for missed academic work should report their absence through the online absence declaration. The declaration is available in ACORN under the Profile and Settings menu. Students will also need to complete a term-work or final exam petition depending on the type of petition.
U of T has temporarily suspended the need for doctor’s notes or medical certificates for any medical-related absence from academic participation at the University. Documentation, however, is required for absences related to other (non-medical) reasons; strong documentation typically results in a stronger petition.
Please review the individual petition pages for complete details:
As you know, in-person final examinations that were originally scheduled between Dec. 16-21, 2021, did not go ahead and will not be rescheduled or replaced with another assessment.
For affected Engineering courses, final course grades will be assessed using a Faculty-approved procedure based on term work. If you would like to petition an assessed grade, please submit a request using the Special Consideration Petition via the Engineering Portal by Jan. 7, 2022, or 48 hours after the assessed course marks are released if released after Jan. 5, 2022. Your assessed course grades, pending any unexpected delays, will be posted by Jan. 5, 2022.
The Undergraduate Assessment Committee will likely accommodate students by offering deferred online final examinations scheduled for January or February 2022; however, deferred final examinations are not guaranteed.
If the Undergraduate Assessment Committee grants a student a deferred online final examination for a cancelled examination, the student must write the deferred examination and the student’s final grade will be based on the course’s original composition of final marks. If a student is permitted to write a deferred final examination for a cancelled course, once the deferral is granted, the student may not later request to have assessed grade re-inserted into their transcript.
If you plan to petition a final examination that was scheduled before Dec. 16, 2021, please ensure you submit a Final Examination Petition within seven days of your last final examination.
If your result is a red screen, you should stay home, not attend exams or work, and self-isolate. If you have any symptoms of COVID-19 – even if they seem mild and you are fully vaccinated – do not come to campus in the interest of keeping our community safe.
Before you file your petition, follow the instructions in UCheck for a red screen.
The process for filing a petition due to COVID-19 is the same as it is for other kinds of absences as outlined in the response above. To file a petition:
- Report your absences through the online absence declaration in ACORN under the Profile and Settings menu.
- Submit your final examination petition(s) through the Engineering Portal before the deadline of May 7.
Archive: General
Students can remove their face coverings to eat or drink in common-use areas of U of T Engineering buildings with fixed seating that is not signed as restricted. They can also eat in approved areas within each Department, Institute or Division, as well as in on-campus food locations provided by U of T Food Services.
If you have a question regarding the upcoming academic year that you cannot find an answer for, you can contact the University through an online form.
If the question is related to U of T Engineering, please email registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca and we'll do our best to find an answer for you.