Graduation & Convocation

Students are responsible for the completion of all degree and program requirements. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your eligibility to graduate, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Name Change:
The name that appears in ACORN is the name that will appear on your diploma. Name changes for the Spring 2025 Convocation must be submitted by April 23, 2025.

General Degree Requirements

Image shows graduating students walking in a line outside of Myhal Centre.General Degree Requirements for the BASc and BASc in Engineering Science

To qualify for a degree, a student must complete a full undergraduate program as shown in the Academic Calendar within nine calendar years of first registration, exclusive of mandatory absences from their program.

A full undergraduate program consists of eight Fall and Winter terms taken in order.

To gain credit for a session a student must:

  • Satisfy the academic regulations to proceed to the succeeding session as described in the Academic Calendar, and
  • Not be subsequently required to repeat the session for which credit is to be gained, and
  • Achieve a course mark of 50% or greater in every course taken as part of the academic load in a session (see the VIII. Promotion Regulations), and
  • Not have the designation of "standing deferred" or "incomplete" outstanding for any course in the session (see VI. Degree Requirements)

Final Session

To be eligible to graduate, a student must attain a weighted Session Average of 60% or greater in their final session. Any student who does not achieve a weighted Session Average of 60% in their final session (4W), but has attained a weighted Session Average that allows them to proceed to the next session on probation, shall repeat the final session and achieve a weighted Session Average of 60% or greater to graduate.

An academic standing of Proceeding on Probation, or On Repeat Probation will be removed and changed to Pass (or Honours if applicable) at the conclusion of the final session during which all requirements for graduation are satisfied (see VI. Degree Requirements).

Practical Experience Requirements (PER)

It is a Faculty regulation that students must complete a minimum of 600 hours of practical work before graduation: PER Form (PDF)*.

*Engineering Science no longer accepts PDF PER forms; please use Engineering Science's online PER form, which is located in the EngSci Info Hub.


March Degree Conferral (In Absentia)

If you have finished all your degree requirements by January, you may obtain your degree in absentia in March. Please contact your Academic Advisor for more information.

June Convocation

If you would like to attend the June Convocation, please review the following information:

  • If you are not currently registered, please contact your Academic Advisor.
  • If you are currently registered in the Winter Session (4W) and eligible to graduate—pending the results from your final 4W term—your Academic Advisor will add your name to the Convocation list. Typically, names for the June Convocation are added in February.
  • Your Advisor will also add your name to the Iron Ring ceremony, which takes place in March. For more information on the ceremony, please contact the Iron Ring Camp One Office (GB 116).
  • If your name has been added to the June Convocation list, the Office of Convocation will send you a letter regarding the Convocation ceremony.
  • As soon as all of your 4W final marks—and petition results, if applicable—are available in May, your Academic Advisor will conduct a final assessment to ensure your eligibility to graduate. If you have any doubts regarding your eligibility to graduate, please contact your Academic Advisor.

Details regarding Convocation ceremonies and ticket information can be found at the Office of Convocation.

November Convocation

Please contact your Academic Advisor if you wish to be added to the November Convocation list. If your name has been added to Convocation, the Office of Convocation will send you a letter regarding the Convocation ceremony.