Welcome to the U of T Engineering 2024 Summer Enrolment & Registration Guide!
In this guide, you will find information about the enrolment and registration process for Engineering courses and Arts & Science courses. This includes important dates, fee payments, OSAP deferral, courses offered, wait lists and more.
Please review the steps below before registering for the 2024 Summer Term.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Registrar's Office or your department's undergraduate office.
Important Dates
To officially register for the Summer Term, you must complete the following two steps:
- Enrol in a course. Enrolment in Engineering courses opens on April 4, 2024, at 6 a.m.
- Pay the associated fees by April 24, 2024. The invoice for Summer Term courses will be posted in ACORN on April 15, 2024.
Step-by-Step Guide
Enrolment Dates
Review the 2024 Summer Term Sessional Dates in the Academic Calendar for important dates and deadlines.
The first day you may enrol in engineering elective courses in ACORN is April 4, 2024, at 6:00 a.m. Before enrolling, review the engineering elective course timetable on Timetable Builder for the courses offered, times, locations and important notes. The 2024 Summer Term courses are also available on the Engineering Timetable. If the time of an engineering elective course conflicts with another elective, you may only take one of the courses.
Students may enrol or wait list a maximum of 1.5 credits — three "H" courses or one "H" and one "Y" — for the Summer Term. If you are required to take more than 1.5 credits, you must speak to your Academic Advisor.
Important Note: Academic drop dates may not coincide with the financial refund dates. Please review the Student Accounts' Refund Schedule for deadlines to drop courses and receive a refund for tuition fees. ACORN access fees apply to any student accessing ACORN for course enrolment and are not refundable.
You are responsible for any academic and incidental fees that arise from course enrolment.
Wait Lists
Wait lists are available for engineering elective courses from the start of course enrolment on April 4, 2024. Wait lists will run until the following dates:
- F and Y courses: Until May 9, 2024
- S courses: Until July 5, 2024
After the wait lists are closed, course enrolment for courses that previously had wait lists becomes first-add, first-serve on ACORN. The dates for this period are:
- F and Y courses: May 10 to 12, 2024
- S courses: July 6 to 8, 2024
It is important to officially cancel a course as soon as you decide to drop it since fee refunds are calculated according to the date the cancellation is recorded. Courses not cancelled by the deadlines will remain on your record and may count as failures. Any cancellations past the first refund date will result in less than a 100% refund. Please visit the Student Accounts website for detailed fee schedules.
Important Dates
F, Y and S Terms | Deadline | Notes |
Check your Invoice on ACORN | April 15, 2024 | |
Minimum Tuition Payment / OSAP Deferral Deadline on ACORN | April 24, 2024 | |
Monitor your ACORN Registration Status | April 24 – May 7, 2024, at 4 p.m. | If your status has not changed to “Registered,” you must provide proof of payment to the Registrar's Office by May 7 at 4 p.m. |
Financial Cancellation Date | May 8, 2024 | Courses are removed for students whose status is not “Registered.” |
Complete Your Registration (Payment and Deferral)
The invoice for Summer Term courses will be posted in ACORN on April 15, 2024. To complete the registration process, you must pay or defer the associated fees by April 24, 2024.
After submitting a payment or deferral, your registration will be processed. Once your registration has been processed, your status on ACORN will change to “Registered.” Please ensure you monitor your ACORN status to verify that it has changed to “Registered” before May 7, 2024. As the financial cancellation deadline is on May 8, students who are not registered by May 7 will have their courses removed from their schedule.
If your status has not changed to “Registered” by May 7, 2024, at 4 p.m., you must email your fees receipt (image/screenshot of the paid statement from the bank or printout of the online transaction) to the Registrar’s Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca.
Note for F and Y Wait Lists: Please be aware that the wait list for F and Y courses ends on May 9, which is one day after the financial cancellation deadline on May 8. If you are not enrolled in at least one course and your status is not “Registered” on ACORN by May 8, then your registration for the Summer Term will be cancelled. Please see below for more information on what to do if you missed the registration deadline.
Note for S Courses: Students who missed the registration deadline, but are interested in taking S courses only should contact the Registrar’s Office to be re-invited to register. A re-instatement fee may apply.
PEY Co-op Course Registration
Students in their second year who are registered for the PEY Co-op Program and have “opted in” to the Summer Co-op Work Term (SCWT) recruitment cycle will be automatically enrolled in the PEY300H1 summer course. Students enrolled in PEY300H1 must complete their registration by paying any outstanding fees, including the system access fee, as displayed on their invoice in ACORN. The fees must be paid by April 24, 2024.
Students who do not withdraw from PEY300H1 through the Engineering Career Centre (ECC) by the refund deadline are responsible for paying the system access fee. Students who do not withdraw by June 10 will remain enrolled in the course which will be displayed on their transcript. Any unpaid fees, including the system access fees, may accrue service charges. Please review the ECC page for further details on PEY Co-op fees.
Please note that the summer incidental fees will not be charged for students enrolled in PEY300H1 only. Students enrolled in additional courses will have to pay the summer incidental fees.
Students who will commence their 12-16 Month PEY Co-op Work Term by June 10 will be enrolled in PEY400H1 for the summer session. Students enrolled in PEY400Y1 must complete their registration by paying any outstanding fees, including the system access fee, as displayed on their invoice in ACORN. The fees must be paid by April 24, 2024.
Please note that the summer incidental fees will not be charged for students enrolled in PEY400Y1 only. Students enrolled in additional courses will have to pay the summer incidental fees. However, students in the 12-16 month Co-op Work Term will be charged incidental fees for the Fall-Winter Terms. Any unpaid fees, including the system access fees, may accrue service charges. Please review the ECC page for further details on PEY Co-op fees.
OSAP Deferral
You may request to defer your tuition fees on ACORN by April 24, 2024, if you have no outstanding fees from previous terms and applied for OSAP. Please be aware that the deferral is not automatic and must be completed in ACORN.
If you need to defer your fees but did not apply for OSAP by the deadline, contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca to request a manual deferral. You must include proof of your OSAP Assessment in the email. The Registrar’s Office will ask you to complete an OSAP Deferral Form. Please retain your dated fee receipt in case you may need it at a later date.
Students with an unpaid balance from a previous academic session are not permitted to register for a new academic session before their outstanding balance is paid. Please visit the Student Accounts website for more information on deferrals.
International Fee Exemptions
International students who fall within one of the following categories may be eligible to pay domestic fees:
- Dependents of Canadian Citizens/Indigenous Canadians
- Dependents of Permanent Residents
- A person who has been approved “in-principle” for permanent resident status in Canada and dependents
- A visitor with a work permit and dependents (there are some exclusions)
- A visitor with diplomatic status and dependents
- Protected Persons and Dependents
International students who have recently become permanent residents of Canada or who qualify for an international fee exemption must provide documentation of their status to the Registrar’s Office to have their fees reviewed and if approved, adjusted. Adjustment is not guaranteed. It’s the student’s responsibility to provide clear, complete and original documentation. Students must visit the Registrar’s Office (GB157) to show the original documentation. The deadline for fee adjustments is June 1 for F and Y courses, and July 25 for S courses. For more information on international fee exemptions, how to apply and deadlines to apply, please visit Student Accounts.
If you are Financially Cancelled (Missed the Registration Deadline and Your Courses Were Removed)
Students who have been removed from their courses and would like to be re-instated into them must do so before 4:00 p.m. on May 12, 2024.
To be re-instated, students must email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@engineering.utoronto.ca, pay a $63 late registration fee, and show proof of payment or deferral. Please be advised that you may not be able to re-enrol in a course if space is no longer available.
Outstanding financial obligations to the University, including tuition and residence charges, must be paid in full before you may register for the next academic term. Payments are first applied to outstanding debts from previous terms before they are applied to fees for the upcoming term.
Obligations of the Student
Students who enrol in courses agree, by virtue of that enrolment, to abide by all of the academic and non-academic policies, rules and regulations of the University and of their academic division, as set out in the Academic Calendar, and confirm responsibility for payment of associated fees, and agree to ensure that the accuracy of personal information such as the current mailing address, telephone number, and utoronto.ca email address is maintained.
A student's registration is not complete until they have paid tuition and incidental fees or have made appropriate arrangements to pay. Students who defer fee payment or whose payment is deferred pending receipt of OSAP or other awards acknowledge that they continue to be responsible for payment of all charges, including any service charges that may be assessed. The full details are available at Student Accounts.
Students may view the available Engineering summer courses and their information on Timetable Builder. The 2024 Summer Term courses are also available on the Engineering Timetable.
Student timetables will include additional information about how the course content will be delivered. The course instructor will provide the specific expectations of the course.
All final exams will be in person. Consult with your instructor on the first day of classes. For other Faculties, please review their timetables and course delivery plans.
2024 Summer Term: First-Year Engineering Courses
May – June Courses:
- APS105H1F: Computer Fundamentals (In-person)
- APS106H1F: Fundamentals of Computer Programming (In-person)
- ECE110H1F: Electrical Fundamentals (In-person)
- MAT187H1F: Calculus II (In-person)
- MIE100H1F: Dynamics (In-person)
July – August Courses:
- APS162H1S: Calculus for Engineers (Online synchronous, in-person final exam*)
- APS164H1S: Introductory Chemistry from a Materials Perspective (Online synchronous, in-person final exam*)
- CHE112H1S: Physical Chemistry (In-person)
Enrolment in these courses is limited to first-year students and must be done by the First Year Office. Visit the First Year Office website for more information. Upper-year students interested in taking one of the courses listed above must speak with their academic advisor.
The deadline to drop a first-year Engineering summer course is June 3, 2024, by 4 p.m. Typically, first-year students are not permitted to drop courses in ACORN. If you need to drop one of the courses listed above, consult an academic advisor in the First Year Office.
*Note for Final Exams: Two in-person final exam sittings will be offered in late August and early September. More details will be communicated to registered students at the start of classes.
2024 Summer Term: Engineering Elective Courses
- APS360H1Y: Applied Fundamentals of Deep Learning (Online synchronous, in-person final exam**, May-August)
- JRE300H1F: Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance (Online synchronous, in-person final exam**, May-June)
- JRE410H1F: Markets and Competitive Strategy (Online synchronous, in-person final exam**, May-June)
- JRE420H1F: People Management and Organizational Behaviour (In-person, May-June)
- TEP444H1F: Positive Psychology for Engineers (In-person, May-June)
- TEP444H1S: Positive Psychology for Engineers (In-person, July-August)
**Note for Final Exams:
The final exams for JRE300H1F and JRE410H1F will be in-person. If a student will not be in Toronto, they can submit a request to write the exam at an approved examination center near their location. If you have any questions, please contact the Cross-Disciplinary Programs Office at engineering.minors@utoronto.ca.
The final exam for APS360H1Y will be in-person and will be held sometime during the first week of September (September 3 to 8), including Saturday and Sunday. The exact date and time will be announced in May.
The first day that Engineering students may enrol in St. George campus Arts & Science Summer Term courses in ACORN is April 8, 2024, at 6:00 a.m.
Before you consider enrolling in an Arts & Science Summer Term course or engineering elective course, please review the information below:
- If you plan to take a summer course in Arts & Science as a credit towards your engineering degree, you are strongly encouraged to speak with your Academic Advisor before enrolling to confirm whether the course is eligible.
- If you plan to take a Summer Term course to complete a Humanities and Social Science (HSS), Complementary Studies (CS) or Free Elective requirement, please consult with your Advisor.
- Courses that cannot be counted towards your engineering degree are designated as "extra." "Extra" courses are not used to calculate your Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). However, "extra" credits can be used to fulfill the requirements of a minor. The decision to designate a course as credit or "Extra" must be made before the deadline to drop the course without academic penalty.
- If you are not able to meet with your Academic Advisor before the Arts & Science Summer Term enrolment date, you are advised to meet with them before the 100% refund date to avoid any tuition charges for cancelled courses.
- The refund schedule for U of T Engineering can be found at Student Accounts. Engineering students enrolled in Arts & Science and engineering elective courses are subject to the engineering fee and refund dates.
- You are permitted to enrol in or wait list a maximum of three "H" courses or one "H" and one "Y" — a total of 1.5 credits — for the Summer Term. If you are required to take more than 1.5 credits, you must speak to your Advisor.
- The mark you obtain in a Summer Term course will not be used to calculate your Fall-Winter Term averages. However, your Summer Term course mark, provided the course was taken for degree credit, will be included in your CGPA.
- If you are on repeat probation or refused further registration after the Winter Term, your Summer Term courses will be automatically removed from your schedule, and you will receive a 100% refund.
Summer Term Dates: Arts & Science Courses
The first day you may enrol in St. George campus Arts & Science Summer Term courses in ACORN is April 8, 2024, at 6:00 a.m. Students are encouraged to use Timetable Builder and review the 2024 Summer Term dates for Arts & Science courses.
Use the Calendar and Summer timetable to decide which courses you wish to take and plan your schedule. Make sure to double-check the time of the courses to avoid any conflicts. Timetable Builder allows you to make a mock schedule to help you identify any potential conflicts. Please be aware that ACORN does not check for time conflicts — it is your responsibility to create a conflict-free schedule.
Please carefully observe pre-requisites, co-requisites and exclusions indicated in the Academic Calendar course descriptions. Definitions can be found in the Arts & Science Academic Calendar. Please be aware that prerequisites, co-requisites and exclusions are not checked by ACORN when you select the courses. However, you will be removed from the course if you do not meet the requirements. This can happen at any time, even after classes have started.
If you have already taken an exclusion, you will be required to withdraw from the course if discovered during the term of enrolment and will be refused degree credit in the excluded course if discovered at any time in a subsequent term.
Important Note: Academic drop dates are not financial refund dates. Please note the deadlines to drop courses and receive a refund for tuition fees. ACORN access fees apply to any student accessing ACORN for course enrolment and are not refundable.
Enrolment Controls
Enrolment controls are used to determine criteria and restrictions for enrolling in a course. Enrolment controls, if used, appear in the timetable listings. While not all courses have enrolment controls, some have multiple controls. All courses have enrolment limitations.
Unless otherwise noted, enrolment controls listed beside a course in the timetable listings apply to all lecture sections of a course.
Enrolment Indicators
Enrolment indicators are listed in the "Enrolment Indicator" column of the timetable. They identify how enrolment controls are being used and/or alert you to different enrolment processes.
Read more about enrolment indicators and enrolment controls in the Arts & Science summer timetable. Please note that Engineering students cannot register for Arts & Science courses before April 8, 2024, at 6 a.m. regardless of an enrolment control or enrolment indicator.
Wait Lists
All lecture meeting sections, except for "E" indicator courses, have wait lists. Wait lists enable you to get in a queue for a space that may become available in a full lecture section or a full enrolment category. If space becomes available and you are next on the wait list, you will be automatically enrolled. It is your responsibility to check ACORN periodically to monitor your status.
Wait lists are available for Engineering students taking Arts & Science courses during the following periods:
- F and Y courses: April 8 to May 9, 2024
- S courses: April 8 to July 5, 2024
After the wait lists are closed, course enrolment for courses that previously had wait lists becomes first-add, first-serve on ACORN. The dates for this period are:
- F and Y courses: May 9 to 12, 2024
- S courses: July 5 to 8, 2024
It is important to officially cancel a course as soon as you decide to drop it since fee refunds are calculated according to the date the cancellation is recorded. Courses not cancelled by the deadlines will remain on your record and may count as failures. Any cancellations past the first refund date will result in less than a 100% refund. Please visit the Student Accounts website for detailed fee schedules.
Important Note: Changes are recorded immediately on the student record system. When you cancel a course, your space becomes immediately available for enrolment by other students or through the wait list function.
List Your Courses, Meeting Sections and Status
Always use the "list courses and meeting sections" option after you add or cancel courses or make changes to verify that you have added or cancelled courses correctly. ACORN will list courses and meeting sections you are enrolled in when using this feature.
You are responsible for any academic and or incidental fees arising from the course enrolment.
Cancellation of Your Last Course
ACORN will warn you if you are cancelling your last course. If you do not intend to take any other courses in the Summer Term, choose "cancel registration." This will ensure your fees will be adjusted.
If you intend to enrol in other courses later in the term, do not cancel your registration. This will allow you to use ACORN later in the Summer Term to add courses.
If you have any questions about the 2024 Summer Enrolment & Registration, please reach out to the Registrar's Office or your department's undergraduate office.